
Pesticides are chemical or biological agents used to control unwanted animals that include weeds, insects, nematodes, rodents, lizards, birds, mammals, and other similar unwanted animals that cause disease, damage property, and create disturbance for property owners. Pests may act as vectors of certain pathogenic strains, including plasmodium falciparum (mosquitoes carry P. falciparum), Salmonella (carried by cockroaches), and dengue (carried by Aedes aegypti, a particular mosquito that carries the dengue virus). Apart from that, pesticides can be used to kill pathogenic microorganisms. Hence, pesticides are employed to get rid of the annoyance caused by these pesky and pathogenic insects. Pesticides are also used to control pests that destroy plants and important crops. The main types of pesticides are as follows:.


Fungicides are used to kill fungi in order to protect crops from damage. Fungicides can be utilized to protect fruits and vegetables. Fungicides aim to prevent the growth of pathogenic fungi.



Rodenticides are used to kill rodents. Rodents are one of the pests detected in houses and commercial places. Rodenticides are rodent control chemicals used to prevent the infestation of rodents in residential and commercial places.


Herbicides are used to control unwanted plants because they outcompete the growth of other plants. Weeds are unwanted plants that are difficult to control. They stop the growth of normal flora to get food, shelter, and nutrients.


Insecticides are used to kill or incapacitate insects that are harmful, pathogenic, and cause harm to homes or residential property. Insecticides are used to control a variety of insects, including ants, mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches, beetles, mites, fleas,  and other little unwanted guests.

Side effects caused by pesticides

Although pesticides are effective and reliable to control, prevent, and kill pests in residential, agricultural, and commercial places, However, they have several side effects because they produce toxins that are harmful to the health of humans. If pesticides are not used appropriately or in excess, it may give rise to a phenomenon termed biological magnification, which causes harm to the entire ecosystem, including humans. They contaminate soil, air, and water, as well as food. Moreover, pesticides cause headaches, nausea, and even cancer and reproductive issues. Hence, it’s important to use pesticides in the required and limited quantities to avoid these health hazards.

Aim Premium Services is one of the best pest control services in Sharjah providing eco-friendly pest control solutions in Sharjah and Ajman. We only use verified pest control products. 

Contact us now to get best pest control service for your home and comnercial places.